
Damage report

We use the latest repair cost calculation software available on the market to create our damage reports or cost estimates. With this calculation module, maintenance, wear and tear and accident repairs as well as spare parts prices can be determined for a wide variety of vehicles based on the manufacturer's information.

In a motor vehicle damage report a basic distinction is made between liability damage (accident through no fault of your own) and comprehensive damage.

MAN Begutachtung Lkw

Liability damage

In the event of liability damage (accident through no fault of your own), the person who caused the accident is obliged to compensate the injured party for the damage in accordance with Section 249 of the German Civil Code. Accordingly, claims for damages are usually directed to the liability insurance of the person who caused the accident. This includes the right of the injured party to commission an independent expert or appraiser to prepare a damage report. A damage report will be taken over by the opposing insurance company from a damage amount in the minor range (approx. 750 euros). If the amount of damage falls below the de minimis limit, the opposing insurance company will bear the costs for a cost estimate or brief report. In both cases we support you with our expertise. The costs incurred for the preparation of the damage report as well as for legal assistance are taken over by the opposing insurance company in addition to the amount of the damage.

In principle, in the event of an accident through no fault of your own, you have the option of having the damage repaired in a repair shop of your choice or of fictitious billing

Comprehensive insurance

A distinction is made here between fully comprehensive and partially comprehensive damage.

For fully comprehensive damage (damage to your own vehicle) and for partially comprehensive damage, you direct your claims to your own insurance company. The regulation is subject to the contract conditions or insurance conditions of your own insurance. We would be happy to provide you with a damage report or cost estimate (depending on your needs).

Cars, motorcycles, buses and mobile homes

In the passenger car sector, our services also include exotic vehicles such as microcars, quads or super sports cars.

The area of ​​motorcycles or two-wheeled vehicles is now to be interpreted on a larger scale, so that motorcycles, mopeds, e-scooters, e-scooters, e-bikes, pedelecs and bicycles are also included. Our services also include a three-wheeled motorbike (trike), three-wheeled scooter mobile (ape) or motorbikes with a team.

Our service in the field of buses and mobile homes also includes caravans and camping vehicles. Thanks to our many years of experience, we are also available to you as an expert contact in this area, in which there are now high demands on equipment, comfort and luxury, so that often only expensive materials are used.

Trucks, trailers and semi-trailers

In addition to the different chassis types, drive types and engines, the enormous variety of superstructures in the area of ​​trucks, trailers and semi-trailers places high demands on a damage report and differs significantly from those on passenger cars.

Benefit from our many years of experience in the field of commercial vehicle technology, because the preparation of a damage report requires a very detailed and detailed assessment. In addition, we have access to our own database, so that long and laborious research with the manufacturers is often not necessary. In addition, calculation data from the leading manufacturers are immediately available to us online.

We offer traders a professional, uncomplicated and, above all, fast service for the preparation of damage reports or cost estimates in order to make the vehicle available to their employees again after the shortest possible downtime and thus reduce costs.

In the case of vehicle returns from leasing companies or vehicle rental companies, we offer a neutral valuation of your vehicle at low-cost package prices or, if necessary, a calculation of the damage. 

Content of a damage report

Contents of a vehicle damage report in addition to the repair costs (hence the difference to a pure cost estimate) are:

– if applicable, a Depreciation
– if applicable, a Replacement value
– if applicable, a Residual value
– the repair time
– the Loss of use
– the assessment of operational and road safety
– serves primarily to preserve evidence

Schadengutachten Kfz-Gutachten

Benefits of our damage reports


Note: In the event of an accident through no fault of your own, the expert’s fee will be covered by the liability insurance of the person who caused the accident.

The remuneration for the preparation of a damage report for standard cars consists of a basic fee plus incidental costs. The amount of the basic fee is based on the amount of the damage, for which the assessment of the net repair costs plus the depreciation are decisive in the event of repairs. In the event of a total loss, the gross replacement value. The determination is based on the current BVSK fee schedule, HB III corridor (vgl. BVSK). The ancillary costs are calculated according to actual expenditure or as a lump sum. For non-standard passenger cars (US vehicles, exotic vehicles, trucks, trailers, agricultural machinery, mobile homes, etc.), remuneration is based on expenditure.

Alpha Gutachten UG (limited liability)
Managing Director: Richard Peter Stolarski


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